Post by ace on Oct 16, 2014 8:41:55 GMT
Layar sejenak menampilkan logo IWO, yang diikuti dengan tulisan Rated T for Teen. Kemudian…
Layar blackout sejenak.
Layar kembali menyala dan menampilkan latar belakang gang sempit yang kumuh dan gelap. Samar-samar terlihat seorang lelaki berjalan mendekati kamera. Sekilas terlihat dia mengenakan kaos putih dengan sedikit bercak darah dan jaket hitam. Pria ini tersenyum sinis sambil mengepalkan tinjunya. Sebelum kita sempat menyaksikan orang ini bicara, serentetan klip kerusuhan, perampokan, dan perkelahian di jalanan tiba-tiba muncul. Pria ini kembali muncul di layar, kali ini dengan sebuah baseball bat di tangan.
“Greetings, people. What you’ve seen is the reality of our world right now. They are what’s happening outside your apartments when you sleep at night. When you’re celebrating your birthday at home, partying with your friends, having quality time with your family, these things happened!”
Pria ini menghela napas sejenak dan melanjutkan.
“You may deny or you may say that you don’t give any fuck of what happened out there in the streets. You may choose to ignore them and dance your problems away, but know this, they’re real. In fact, you’re seeing one right now. Me.”
Kali ini tulisan Logan muncul.
“Day in, day out, I’ve been living on the streets, under the traffic light, no money, and, and, with danger lingering every steps I make.”
Diikuti dengan tulisan Specter.
“I’ve been punched in the face,”
Klip muka orang bonyok diperlihatkan.
“…been stabbed by a knife,”
Klip sebuah pisau yang menusuk perut muncul,
“…had my head busted open,”
Klip orang dengan kepala mengucurkan darah terlihat,
“…and yet I’m still alive.”
Muka pria ini sekarang menyeringai lebar dan dia memainkan pemukul baseballnya sambil berjalan mondar mandir.
“Now some of you may take a pity on me or see me as a nothing but a low life thug, but believe me, I am more than that. Unlike you and other guys in this business, I am better suited. I was hardened and tempered by harsh environment and badass guys, which is way way way different than being trained by a professional wrestler. Now there’re guys that call themselves as a fighter, a killer, a psychopath, or even a monster, but you know what? For me, they’re just pretenders, guys trying to act all macho and strong just because they’re trying to hide the fact that they’re weak and fake!”
Pria ini tiba-tiba memecahkan kaca dengan pemukulnya. PRANGG! Kaca pun pecah berantakan dan pria ini lalu mendekatkan mukanya ke kamera.
“The time is now, to turn your attention into what’s real, to the force that will change the game, and the true meaning of a survivor. How? Easy, remember that they will be put back to where they belong. No, wait, I will put them back to where they actually belong.”
Pria ini lalu berjongkok, membentangkan kedua tangannya dan berkata,
“My name is Logan Specter, and I’m bringing the street attitude to IWO.”
Layar pun blackout.
Layar blackout sejenak.
Layar kembali menyala dan menampilkan latar belakang gang sempit yang kumuh dan gelap. Samar-samar terlihat seorang lelaki berjalan mendekati kamera. Sekilas terlihat dia mengenakan kaos putih dengan sedikit bercak darah dan jaket hitam. Pria ini tersenyum sinis sambil mengepalkan tinjunya. Sebelum kita sempat menyaksikan orang ini bicara, serentetan klip kerusuhan, perampokan, dan perkelahian di jalanan tiba-tiba muncul. Pria ini kembali muncul di layar, kali ini dengan sebuah baseball bat di tangan.
“Greetings, people. What you’ve seen is the reality of our world right now. They are what’s happening outside your apartments when you sleep at night. When you’re celebrating your birthday at home, partying with your friends, having quality time with your family, these things happened!”
Pria ini menghela napas sejenak dan melanjutkan.
“You may deny or you may say that you don’t give any fuck of what happened out there in the streets. You may choose to ignore them and dance your problems away, but know this, they’re real. In fact, you’re seeing one right now. Me.”
Kali ini tulisan Logan muncul.
“Day in, day out, I’ve been living on the streets, under the traffic light, no money, and, and, with danger lingering every steps I make.”
Diikuti dengan tulisan Specter.
“I’ve been punched in the face,”
Klip muka orang bonyok diperlihatkan.
“…been stabbed by a knife,”
Klip sebuah pisau yang menusuk perut muncul,
“…had my head busted open,”
Klip orang dengan kepala mengucurkan darah terlihat,
“…and yet I’m still alive.”
Muka pria ini sekarang menyeringai lebar dan dia memainkan pemukul baseballnya sambil berjalan mondar mandir.
“Now some of you may take a pity on me or see me as a nothing but a low life thug, but believe me, I am more than that. Unlike you and other guys in this business, I am better suited. I was hardened and tempered by harsh environment and badass guys, which is way way way different than being trained by a professional wrestler. Now there’re guys that call themselves as a fighter, a killer, a psychopath, or even a monster, but you know what? For me, they’re just pretenders, guys trying to act all macho and strong just because they’re trying to hide the fact that they’re weak and fake!”
Pria ini tiba-tiba memecahkan kaca dengan pemukulnya. PRANGG! Kaca pun pecah berantakan dan pria ini lalu mendekatkan mukanya ke kamera.
“The time is now, to turn your attention into what’s real, to the force that will change the game, and the true meaning of a survivor. How? Easy, remember that they will be put back to where they belong. No, wait, I will put them back to where they actually belong.”
Pria ini lalu berjongkok, membentangkan kedua tangannya dan berkata,
“My name is Logan Specter, and I’m bringing the street attitude to IWO.”
Layar pun blackout.