Post by andrinightx54 on Nov 27, 2014 14:00:51 GMT
Raven: "Hey... HEY!"
[ Tiba-tiba kamera difokuskan kepada pria yang kostumnya bernuansa merah-hitam, sedang memegang teddy bear di tangan kirinya, sedangkan tangan kanannya menahan memaksa kamera tersebut untuk menghadapnya. ]
"Yeah... I'm talking to you... I mean, not just you cameran-man, to all of you who is watching this, yeah! You better hear what I'm about to say right now... I SAID LISTEN!"
[ Kamera bergetar seketika karena terkejut, namun kembali normal sesaat kemudian, Raven pun melepaskan tangan kanannya dari kamera. ]
"You see... I've had the most boring week, you know why? Because just to get here, I gotta meet this guy and talk shit, meet that guy and talk shit, meet the other guy and talk shit... And do you know how I feel like? ... LIKE SHIT! THAT'S HOW I FEEL! And when I'm finally can get that fucking close to what I want I'm very happy! But here comes the Manager who thought that A guy like me can never be someone that is going to do something in the IWO! Hell! He also believe that I'm not even IWO-material! And he said that he'll give me a contract cause he gives me a chance... SERIOUSLY!? AFTER ALL THOSE TYPE OF SHITS I'VE BEEN THROUGH!? I'M THE GUY WHO KNOWS THAT I'M GOOD AT WHAT I'M DOING! SO THAT ASSHOLE OR ANY OTHER CANNOT TALK SHIT ABOUT ME AND SAY THAT I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO FACE THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! AND THEN HE SAID THAT HE'LL 'GIVE ME A CHANCE'? LIKE I'M SOME KIND OF A WEAK GUY WHO CAN'T TAKE CARE OF MYSELF? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!
[ Tiba-tiba ia merobek Teddy Bear yang berada di tangan kanannya, lalu melemparkannya ke sembarang arah. Setelah menatap kamera sejenak, dia pun mengatur nafas dan mulai berbicara kembali. ]
[ Tiba-tiba ia merobek Teddy Bear yang berada di tangan kanannya, lalu melemparkannya ke sembarang arah. Setelah menatap kamera sejenak, dia pun mengatur nafas dan mulai berbicara kembali. ]
"Look... It's not that I'm not a unreasonable guy! Fuck no! I'm pissed off because of respect... The main problem is respect, everywhere I go... It's like they tellin' me 'Why are you even going to that IWO-thing? You don't even do any damn thing here so what makes you think that you can create some kind of an amazing stuff in the IWO?' They throwing stupid craps all over my place... I try to hold it, but they just keep coming ... and coming... and COMING TO ME! [Mengatur nafas] Huuuh... You see, some people will come with their own opinion, they'll say that I'm crazy, I'll got no special place in here, or I just fucked up at everything that I do..."
[ Raven memalingkan pandangannya dari kamera, lalu kelihatan berfikir sejenak dan tiba-tiba tertawa kecil. Dengan cepat dia memegang kamera itu lagi dengan kedua tangannya, mengarahkannya ke wajahnya sendiri.]
"Well, I want to say 'fuck you'... really... really bad... But I'm a little more pissed off about the fact that I have to say thank 'you' to them... yeah... Thanks cause I can use that... I can use your words... Most people react when they're angry, but me? No I ACTED, when I'm angry, channel that energy so I can do something really brutal.... something really-really scary... And trust me when you see THAT side of me, you're going to wish that I'm the guy that you never saw before."
[ Raven melepaskan kamera itu lagi, lalu mundur beberapa langkah. ]
"IWO, huh? In this place you gotta wrestle... well, I'm doing a lot more than that on the streets... But in the streets people will go all-out and all-angry 'till they can't control themselves, so I hope I can find a lot of differences in the IWO... I wanna face a kind of person who knows what he's doing... A guy who uses strategy... A guy who can give me a little piece of golden thing that we call 'Challenge'... But remember! Some people might say 'I'm going to beat your ass!'... Well, I'm different, cause I will rip all your asses in half..."
[Raven mulai membelakangi kamera, mengambil satu langkah dan berhenti sejenak, namun ia berbalik lagi dengan tiba-tiba, bermaksud untuk mengejutkan orang-orang yang menonton sambil mengatakan... ]
[Raven mulai membelakangi kamera, mengambil satu langkah dan berhenti sejenak, namun ia berbalik lagi dengan tiba-tiba, bermaksud untuk mengejutkan orang-orang yang menonton sambil mengatakan... ]
[ Scene selesai ]